

  • 个人资料
    • 部门: 必威Betway东盟体育
    • 性别:
    • 专业技术职务: 助理教授
    • 毕业院校: Temple University
    • 学位: 博士
    • 学历: 研究生
    • 联系电话:
    • 电子邮箱: ywang@dbm.ecnu.edu.cn
    • 办公地址: 理科大楼A1106a
    • 通讯地址: 上海市中山北路3663号
    • 邮编: 200062
    • 传真:




    2007-2011 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院

    2011-2014 必威东盟体育平台商学院

    2014-2015 College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management, University of South Carolina

    2015-2018 Fox School of Business, Temple University


    王媛,博士,必威Betway东盟体育文化与旅游系助理教授。在南京大学地理与海洋科学学院获得学士学位,在必威东盟体育平台商学院获得硕士学位,于2014年通过国家公派研究生项目(攻读博士学位),先后在南卡罗来纳大学酒店、餐饮与旅游管理学院和天普大学福克斯商学院学习,在天普大学获得哲学博士学位(工商管理专业,旅游与体育方向)。擅长运用跨学科方法研究旅游或酒店情境中的社会心理现象。研究成果发表在Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management,International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research和《旅游学刊》等国内外高水平期刊上。



    担任Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, Annals of Tourism Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management等期刊匿名审稿人

    担任Journal of Travel Research期刊编委


    美国饭店业协会CHIA认证(Certification in Hotel Industry Analytics)








    主持. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“领地性视角下的主客空间行为与空间权属认知相互作用机理研究”(2022.1-2024.12)

    参与. 国家社科基金艺术学重大项目“文化和旅游融合发展市场主体建设”(2019.7)

    参与. 国家社科基金重点项目我国反季旅游市场潜力的区域差异与开发策略研究(2012.8)

    参与. 上海市政府决策咨询重点课题“延伸进博会活动价值链,促进文体旅深度融合研究”(2019.12)

    参与. 上海市发展和改革委员会招标课题:“十四五”期间打响“上海文化”品牌,促进文体旅融合发展,着力建设国际文化大都市的目标、思路和重点举措研究(2019.5)

    项目助理Local Community’s Perception and Sentiment towards Shanghai Disney Resort (Qualitative assessment). Funded by the Shanghai International Theme Park Company Limited. (March 2016- September 2016)

    项目助理Local Community’s Perception and Sentiment towards Shanghai Disney Resort. Funded by the Shanghai International Theme Park Company Limited. (December 2014-June 2016)

    主持Relational vs. Group Collectivism: Cross-Cultural Host-Guest Interactions in Peer-to-Peer Accommodation.The 14th Young Scholars Award Funding, Fox School of Business, Temple University. (May 2017- December 2017)

    主持An Invited Intrusion: Examining Territoriality in P2P Accommodations from the Guest PerspectiveThe 16th Young Scholars Award Funding, Fox School of Business, Temple University. (April 2018-July 2018)

    主持Guesting in Others' Territory: The Role of Control in Peer-to-Peer AccommodationThe 13th Young Scholars Award Funding, Fox School of Business, Temple University. (November 2016-June 2018)

    参与Trusting and Being Trusted: Effects on Employee PerformanceThe 11th Young Scholars Award Funding, Fox School of Business, Temple University.(November 2015-June 2018)

    参与Study of American Outbound Tourists. Jointly funded by China National Tourist Office-Los Angeles and Nankai China-U.S. Tourism Research Center. (June 2017-December 2017)

    参与Establishing a China U.S.-Travel Monitor Program. Jointly funded by National Tour Association, and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Travel & Tourism Industry Center. (June 2014-Febuary 2016)



    1. Long, Q., Bai, C., Chen, Y.*, & Wang, Y. (2022). Price tradeoff or sharing partnership? Understanding guest-to-guest relationships in P2P accommodation.  International Journal of Hospitality Management, doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2022.103346.

    2. Wang, Y.*, & Li, X. (2022). Developing and validating a scale of host territoriality in peer-to-peer accommodation. Tourism Management, 88, 104425.

    3. Wang, Y.*, & Li, X. (2021). Human territoriality in P2P accommodation: An examination of guest experience. Journal of Travel Research60(8), 1735-1751.

    4. Wang, Y.*, Wu, L., Xie, K., & Li, X. (2019). Staying with the ingroup or outgroup? A cross-country examination of international travelers’ home-sharing preferences. International Journal of Hospitality Management77,425-437. 

    5. Wang, Y.*& Li, X. (2019). Procrastination of travel: The effect of crowdedness. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research43(3), 447-460.

    6. Li, X., Wang Y.*, Zhang, Y., & Cao, Y. (2019). Examining the role of corporate social responsibility in resident attitude formation: A missing link?. Journal of Travel Research58(7), 1105-1122. (The first three authors contributed equally to the paper)

    7. Chen, Z., Wang, Y.*, Li, X., & Lawton, L. (2019). It's not just black or white: Effects of ambivalence on residents' support for a mega-event. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research43(2), 283-313.

    8. Wang, Y.*, Li, X. & Lai, K. (2018). A meeting of the minds: Exploring the core–periphery structure and retrieval paths of destination image using social network analysis. Journal of Travel Research57(5), 612-626. 

    9. 王媛, 顾依秋*, &冯学钢. (2023). 中国酒店研究35年:基于《旅游学刊》和《旅游科学》发文的量化分析. 旅游导刊, 7(2): 95-123.

    10. 王媛*, &李想. (2018). 新媒体时代下目的地形象研究的几点思考旅游学刊33(3): 8-10. 

    11. 余晓婷*, 吴小根张玉玲, &王媛. (2015). 游客环境责任行为驱动因素研究——以台湾为例.旅游学刊30(7), 49-59.     

    12. 王媛*,冯学钢,&孙晓东. (2014). 旅游地形象的时间演变与演变机制旅游学刊29(10),20-30.

    13. 王媛*,许鑫,冯学钢,&吴文智. (2013). 基于文本挖掘的古镇旅游形象感知研究——以朱家角为例.旅游科学27(5), 86-95. 



    1Wang, Y., Feng, X., & Li, X. (2015). Seasonal differences in the projection of destination image on social media: A case study on China’s Weibo.Proceedings of the 20th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality & Tourism, Tampa, FL, USA. (Best Paper Award)

    2王媛冯学钢, &许鑫(2012). 基于文本挖掘的古镇旅游形象感知研究——以朱家角为例第八届旅游前沿国际学术研讨会旅游与全球变化国际会议,江苏南京.(优秀青年论文)