时 间:2023年11月15日(周三) 11:30 -15:00
地 点:理科大楼1214会议室
题 目:2023秋季必威东盟体育平台微观经济学暨‘灵活就业 招工平台行为干预与机制设计’讲座系列之六
报告人:裴蕉颖 南洋理工大学社会科学学院博士
主持人:龚冰琳 研究员
摘 要:
This paper establishes a connection between cognitive noise (Enke and Graeber, 2023) and the level of contribution in the public goods game. We argue that cognitive noise complements, rather than replaces, taste-based social preference to explain the contribution decision. Both correlational and causal data supports the notion that cognitive uncertainty is positively correlated with contribution in the public goods game at the aggregate level, or cognitive uncertainty led people to behave as if they are more cooperative. And the result is robust when removing strategic uncertainty. However, there is heterogeneity, where cognitive noise is negatively correlated with the contribution level of some participants at an economically significant extent. These findings suggest the significance of only considering contribution decisions that exceed a certain cognitive certainty threshold in a public goods game if they are to be taken at face value. Further, our experimental results also demonstrate that a cooperative advice can assist individual in either gaining a better understanding of their true social preference, or translating their true social preferences into contribution actions that maximize their utility as the game repeats.
Jiaoying Pei is a 4th year PhD candidate at the School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Her research interest includes behavioral and experimental economics, and behavioral finance. Her works are published in European Journal of Political Economy and Journal of Behavioral and Experimental