时 间:2023年11月29日(周三) 13:00 -16:30
地 点:普陀校区电教楼410
题 目:Clan Culture and Corporate Innovation
报告人:李嫦 副教授
主持人:李云鹤 副教授
摘 要:
Cultural traditions have consistently shaped people's values and beliefs, thereby influencing various aspects of society, including the economy. This paper examines the impact of kinship-based clans, an exceptionally significant social organization in premodern China, on contemporary corporate innovation. By utilizing the number of genealogies as a proxy for local clan strength, we find compelling evidence that firms in
prefectures with a more pronounced clan culture produce greater innovative outputs. Delving into potential channels, our analysis demonstrates that clans can act as informal institutional arrangements, offer managerial incentives, and ease financial constraints. Moreover, the clan background of CEOs spurs innovation activities.
李嫦,必威Betway东盟体育副教授,香港中文大学经济学博士。主要研究领域为企业并购和国际经济学,关注制度和传统文化与经济决策的相关研究。近年在Journal of Financial Intermediation、Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization、Journal of Comparative Economics、Journal of Corporate Finance、《管理世界》《经济学(季刊)》等国内外重要期刊发表学术论文,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目。